
Ace in the Hole (1951) Audio Commentary

Kirk Douglas, Porter Hall, and Jesus Christ debate journalistic ethics in Billy Wilder's Ace in the Hole (Douglas had top billing)

RC-2013-116: Ace in the Hole (1951)

More thrilling than going over Niagara Falls in Kirk Douglas' barrel chest, Ace in the Hole stands tall among the giants of Wilder's career. I praise the wittiness of the dialogue and marvel at the depravity of Douglas' character, Chuck Tatum. Musings about journalistic ethics give way to my ranking of the movie near the top of Wilder's filmography. Do I successfully spot all the nods to Double Indemnity? Does Douglas' topless scene have artistic merit? And does the boyish Herbie character moonlight as Captain Marvel? Listen to the track to find out. You deserve answers.

I screened the Region-1 Criterion Collection DVD. To sync, hit "pause" after the Criterion logo fades from the screen, then wait for my countdown.

Show Notes
  • The curious case of Floyd Collins
  • Spike Lee is a fan of the film
  • Is it a film noir? (Not addressed in the commentary—if folks want to count it as an "epic noir," I say cool)
  • I said the original title was "The Carnival," but it was actually "The Big Carnival," and it was not the original title, rather, it was what Paramount re-titled the film just prior to its release and without Wilder's consent

Get the mp3, or keep the iTunes carnival humming along.

1 comment:

Rob Caravaggio said...

Hi Jason. I'm sorry for the delay in responding, my bad.

Forrest Gump? Yeah, sure. I like that idea, and I actually don't think the movie has aged as poorly as some folks do.

I've got a commentary in the can that I'm going to post, then another film I need to record a commentary for, and then I can take some extra time to revisit Gump and record the track. Shouldn't be long. It's a terrific suggestion, so thanks very much!